lauantai 1. elokuuta 2015


Tips on using social media for business
 2. Companies know that YouTube is one of the perfect places to promote their company. We are more than familiar with all those advertises that comes in the beginning most videos. Coca cola is one of the brands who knows how to use YouTube and other social media creatively. They come up with creative TV advertisement including the ones in you tube and other social media. I watched this video, which was chosen among seven teams for coming up with a winning viral video. They did not even push the promotion for this video, all they started was from one person who tweeted “Share happiness, spread the video”. And in two weeks there were two million views on YouTube where 95% of the comments were positive. This was a successful and organic way of promoting a Brand.

  3. Instagram is one of the place where the customers can share photos and videos and along-side, has-tags allows the motive to spread quickly. Hashtags allow your posts to come up in search results. New customers can find you by searching hashtags. You can also find others who are posting about similar topics. There are numerous motivating factors for sharing the content used in company marketing; The content could be inspiring enough to share. Company is involved in good cause, or organizing some event for a good cause. Some prizes on behalf of sharing or some competition. One’s attachment to the company or brand.

2 kommenttia:

  1. Really impressive that company doesn't have to push the promotion for that video – it was enough that one person tweeted “Share happiness, spread the video”. Amazing! If video is good enough it does the work itself.


    1. Right, I like Coca Cola's creative team, coming with inspirational promotional ideas most of the times.
