tiistai 4. elokuuta 2015

My use of social media / Mira Koivumäki-Lindholm

I use social media a lot - mostly part of my free time. I am on study leave from Sitra, the Finnish Innovation Fund and Sitra is very active at social media. Communication and updates at social media haven't ever been directly part of my duties but I have learn a lot by following our team communication specialists.
I spend several hours a day at social media – but to be honest - mostly I'm just hanging a round and spending time, not necessarily doing anything important or useful.
This is how I see my favorite social media channels:
Facebook – there is everybody, my schoolmates, co-workers, relatives (even the old ones), friends. So just to check daily how everybody is doing takes a huge part of the waking hours.
Also my daughter (16 years old) is at Facebook, but I have noticed that she is there but she doesn't share anything about her life.
It is interesting how young people disdain Facebook nowadays, my daughter uses mainly Instagram and Snapchat, because – as she says – it's a “social suicide” to share your photos example from your boyfriend at Facebook where all the aunties, uncles, grandparents and all other old relatives are! Funny but perhaps true! ;)
Instagram is displacing Facebook. I like Instagram a lot. You just share your special or daily moments with photos and you don't have to explain much. Also you share your moments more extempore than in Facebook.
I find Instagram very useful in my private life but also in organization's communication. With pictures you get the feeling and atmosphere. Like if you are telling about some seminar in which you are involved or what your company is organizing.
My profile in Instagram was first open but that I changed it to private, because I had so many followers that I didn't know. I'm sharing many private moments so I didn't feel comfortable to let everybody see everything.
Ok, then Twitter. Twitter is obligatory social media for me, but not my favorite. I'm in Twitter because of my position.
I don't know why it has been so difficult to me to start using Twitter daily. I give lot of re-tweets and I have joined some interesting seminars where I shared also my own opinions. But to be active everyday – too hard for me. To tweet is very exciting – I don't know why – perhaps it is because you need to figure out a good, short, sensible, clever sentence or 140 characters very quickly. Too much for me. I have had opportunities to tweet behalf of our company but I have usually asked somebody else to do that. Why is it so frightening?
Let's move one to Pinterest. That is very personal and private media - place where I can be creative, moony and scatty. I haven't hide my profile from web search engines, so everybody can see pictures I pin. Usually I don't add any my own pictures, I just add other peoples pictures to my board.
I think Pinterest is great media for companies who sell sweet, beautiful products like Fazer and it's chocolates! You can use Pinterest to create desires.
Totally professional and work-related media. In this media I have the most connections I do not know so well.
I find LinkedIn useful media especially to share organization's job ads and HR news.
The addition to the aforementioned time passes quickly also at WhatsUp and
other instant messaging services.

This doesn't sound good at all! I'm worried about myself also! ;)

1 kommentti:

  1. Hi Mira, nice to see that you have started blogging as well! Looking great :) And yes, I am 23 but I also NEVER really post anything to Facebook (expect for some traveling photos):D
