keskiviikko 5. elokuuta 2015

Social media gone wrong

Last two assignments
Ella Härkönen

This assignment was definitely my favorite one! Leeeeet's go!

These days when social media is on everyone's hands (figuratively and literally) posting something one must be sure that they really want it on air. It is almost too easy to take screen shots of something and then share it onward.

I work with customers and YES, it gets annoying sometimes. I get called with names if I do not grant all of customers wishes, people threat to get me fired etc. Luckily there are way way way more nice, amazing customers than these negative ones, but still one bad customer can really ruin your day.

So when customers give you feedback online, the company must always keep its cool. Like Michaela posted with the water-case an angry answer can really ruin the company's reputation. And no, deleting the original post does not help!

Me, myself experienced something similar.

Anyway, I had a little beef with Sonera since they refused to fix my phone even though it was their responsibility. Eventually they held my phone for "further inspections" until the warranty of the phone was over and then they called me and informed that it is not their case anymore since the warranty time is passed now. Obviously I was FURIOUS since they had my phone for months and decided not to do anything until after the warranty-time!

I posted on my Facebook wall what happened. I got lots of likes and comments and then someone suggested me to post this on Sonera's wall. I did it and got an answer saying that "No, not our fault". After that my post got thousands of likes and hundreds of angry people commented on how rude they were and how dare they. A day after my Facebook-post they posted that "we are willing to give you a new phone!".

They did wrong in the first place,  but their biggest mistake was to simply write "no, not our fault". After people saw that they were so angry (me included!) so they totally should have repaid the phone in  the first place. Oh, by the way, the new phone they send me broke down after one month of using it -Sonera still said that not their responsibility so I changed the company to DNA.

This another case makes me crack.

Saying "be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it" holds true here! I bet that NYPD thinks twice before posting photos like this again!

Social media in ten years

Something being this big as it is makes me wonder how much bigger can it get! An easy presumption is that schools will stop having traditional mechanisms of teaching and more and more of ebooks and e-exams are being used- in elementary level as well.
In working life traditional meetings can be history soon too. Holograms and skype-method meetings can be the new way of doing things.

Now I feel really the urge of going outside! The sun is shining and I am ready to leave all of the social media back home and go enjoying the beautiful summer day. This is my last post- please leave comments and have an amazing rest of the summer!

5 kommenttia:

  1. I absolutely _hate_ all the phone operators. It's like their whole existance is to annoy us? It's NEVER their fault and we always have to pay for it! And btw, did you know that the phones warranty does not apply to the battery? Yeah, the battery only has a 6 month warranty! Do they mention it? Nooo way... I learned it the hard way. They always mess up with the bills and I just can't stand 'em.

    Hahah, I laughed so hard at that NYPD post :D Damn xD

    1. I laughed so hard too :D There were lots of similar photos like that one and it was so funny going through them!

      NO WAY! I did not know that! Gosh, like you said it seriously only feels like they are trying to annoy you on purpose... And thinking that how much money those hundreds of euros are for them and for a student, there is a big difference...

  2. You can imagine how much I can relate to your frustration with phone operators...

  3. Interesting your topic and the way you react later on to Sonera. I have Sonera also and it went fine for more than 4 years. But sometimes I just received wrong bills. Hope you´ll be happy with DNA!
