tiistai 4. elokuuta 2015

Doing business in Wikipedia / Mira Koivumäki-Lindholm

Doing business in Wikipedia / Mira Koivumäki-Lindholm

Teacher's example: http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gefilus

Article about Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG has a clear marketing purpose!
First the article brings you scientific text about Lactobacillus rhamnosus bacteria - how healthy it is.
Then there is strong reminder how you should have at least one glass of milk or goblet of yogurt a day which contains this bacteria. 
By the way Valio has pre-thought-out right amount for you!
Here is a quote from scripture:

Lactobacillus GG:n määrä vaihtelee eri tuotteissa, mutta yksi päiväannos tiettyä elintarviketta (esim. lasillinen maitoa, mehua tai piimää, tai pikarillinen jogurttia) sisältää aina terveysvaikutusten kannalta riittävän määrän bakteeria. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG -maitohappobakteeria lisätään muun muassa maitoihin, juustoihin ja mehuihin (esimerkiksi suomalaisiin Valio Gefilus -tuotteisiin)."

Here you'll find just the right Premier Gefilus products! :)

Article continues:

LGG on Valion rekisteröity tavaramerkki --- Tuotevalikoima on vuosien myötä laajentunut ja siihen kuuluu jogurtteja, piimää, maitoa, tehojuomia, mehuja, mehukeittoja ja juustoa. Lapsille suunnatut Valio Kidius Gefilus -tuotteet sisältävät myös LGG-bakteeria."

Finally, numerous studies of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and how, for example, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG containing milk in a Helsinki daycare centers reduced caries - compared to regular milk.
Although studies must be true, the powerful connection to Valio products clearly looks like marketing.

I saw interesting article, which talks about ethical wiki.

There is something to learn about..
Page 8:
"What is neutral?

This is a tricky subject, since even veteran Wikipedians often have disagreements about what is neutral for a specific article or topic.

A neutral Wikipedia article not only carries a neutral tone but is representative of the available
literature on the subject. Some neutral” Wikipedia articles may have a negative meaning and others positive, depending on the available citations. This is important to keep in mind for marketers that may be tempted to author a History section that omits major controversies or a Reception section that only summarizes positive product reviews. It may be considered dubious to “hide” information or contribute in an obviously one - sided way.

This puts marketers in an uncomfortable position, because inevitably some sources about the company
will include points of view the organization doesn’t agree with and information that does not serve its
best interest. That’s the conflict of interest aspect. You’re expected to include this information fairly the same way a crowd sourced participant would.

If that doesn’t make you or other stakeholders uncomfortable if there is no tension involved you may be doing something wrong.

One key to success is for the organization to have an advocate for ethics involved in the process; someone who will persuade stakeholders, push for honesty and advocate for a fair contribution. The organization will be faced with the temptation to stretch things, omit information, cherry-pick what sources they use and other slanting and someone needs to help the organization resist temptation.

Fight for your organization’s longterm integrity as an honest contributor that Wikipedians can trust. It will serve you in the long run."

Page 10: 

"Things to avoid

  • Avoid promotional sections like Awards, Philanthropy, Recognition or Corporate Social Responsibility.
  • Avoid creating separate articles on the company and its products if they can be consolidated.
  • Avoid creating an excessively detailed article in general.
  • Avoid bullets in most cases, especially if they are long lists of individual products, partners, locations or executives.
  • Avoid articles that are focused on products or executives rather than the organization’s heritage.
  • Avoid using citations that merely repeat what the company told them, such as rewritten press releases.
  • Avoid using too many primary sources, such as the company website.
  • Avoid using an overly official tone or writing style, both in the article’s content and in discussions with editors."

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