tiistai 18. elokuuta 2015

Case Study 1

I have chosen a social organization from Nepal called Reaping Hope, where one of my friends (Mr Binod Thapa Magar) has been working. Reaping Hope is a non-profit organization, affiliated with the social welfare council of Nepal, working for the protection and promotion of the rights of marginalized elderly people.
Mission: Reaping Hope works with the mission to promote and facilitate a process that can assist to protect the rights of the elderly people in general, and specifically take actions to abolish all forms of exploitation and abuse by supporting the disadvantaged elderly. It also works to establish a better social and natural elderly-friendly living environment.

They have realized how social media plays a vital role in communication within the organization. They have been using Facebook and Viber mostly. Facebook for posting plans, activities and updates and also to upload files so that it can be accessed later when needed. According to Mr Thapa, they use the group mainly because it is like a meeting point where they can comment and discuss on different topics and also to save time by not meeting everybody be being everywhere physically.
There is not much use of social media for management or marketing they say, though they use Facebook to show what they have been doing and what will be done, not sure if that can be called as marketing. Since it’s a social organization they use Facebook as a medium to get in touch with the donors and volunteers, sometimes to discuss in groups. Mostly, they have been using social media to share some important updates to their fans and followers.
 There are rules for staffs of course. According to Mr Thapa; “basically we expect our staff to share only relevant things in social media. In our case, news and updates related to elderly. Our staffs and members are responsible for what they post or share. We don’t want our staffs to go craze over the internet and share every little details and irrelevant stuffs. And swearing is strictly forbidden of course.”
He adds, “People might ask questions in social media about our work and updates, in those situations he/she shouldn't just go ahead and reply with whatever comes in their mind. They have to discuss with other members and give responsible answers. We also talk with each other in groups and finalize what should be shared and what not.

I have been following their organization as well, it’s a small organization but what they are doing is big. They also have been working for the recent earthquake victims of Nepal, focusing specially on elderly people and children. 

They are not inactive in social medias they are in, but like Mr Thapa said, those are mostly the posts related to elderly people and also updates about what they are doing or what they are planning to do.

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