sunnuntai 28. kesäkuuta 2015


Michaela Tuomenoksa
Assignment: Branding 9.6.2015

Sorry guys for not being active the past two weeks! I've been super busy and had to do a lot of work, but now i'm back on track with a new computer and time! So...

Branding - to make yourself noticeable

Branding is seen as a very important subject for companies. When I think about branding and it's importance I immediately think about a company's visual imago (due to my profession). For me I think the visual appearance is one of the most important areas when you want to turn your company into a brand. But of course it's also important to sell quality products or provide quality service, what ever the company sells/does. But alone the service might not be enough to turn a company in to a brand, it need the whole set. Unfortunately I've seen companies that are in my opinion brands, but rely too much on "being a brand" than actually keeping up the brand. How could I say it better.... They get lazy once they hit their branding goal! 

But about branding myself:

I take my profession very seriously and I aim to be one of Turku's most successful art directors ever, someday at least. That's quite a dream and a goal, but setting those high goals for me might actually push me into doing what I need to do to be successful! There are so many graphic designers and professionals wanting to make it, so how do you stand out from the crowd? Well first of all - be in the social media! Or you don't have to be in all the social media sites, but you should definitely be aware of what the social media provides, what's in and out at the time and witch social media site would be the best for your client to get in touch with their clients and brand themselves. You're working with branding, advertisement and visuality, so do your homework by knowing the social media inside and out. (not active anymore)

I brand myself by having a homepage (unfortunately I've closed it down for now because I am employed and did not feel like paying for a domain when I'm not in need of a job), but I have a screenshot to show you. My advice is to keep things simple, tell the visitors what you can do, link some preferences and a portfolio. First impressions are important and you want to brand yourself in a professional way. I chose to have my homepage in english because I want foreign companies to understand what I'm capable of if they want to offer me an employment. By using english I also give the impression of being more international (I speak fluent Finnish, swedish and english). I think 

As I wrote in my recent post I also use LinkedIn. Getting to know people and getting more connections will get you further and people will know who you are. But it's also very important not to burn bridges! Do that and your career might be done. I was at a advertisment gala in January with my company and there where a lot of other advertisement companies from Turku. It was really interesting to see them, see what kind of projects they've done and just benchmark. 

To reach successful branding you need the be active, active in the social media, active in your work, getting new connections and just honestly working yourself up to where you want to be! Its not easy at all, but I'm sure that with a determined attitude you will make it. 

5 kommenttia:

  1. I think that setting yourself even unrealistic goals is important - you do not want to aim too low with your goals, since anything could really happen! It was interesting to read about your goals and how to motivate oneself :)

  2. I love your courage to have your own homepage (or had, whatever)! Thumbs up!

  3. I really like your goals and it looks like you're really making an effort branding yourself, that's great! :)

  4. I really admire your clear goals, and plans for the future! Branding yourself is a great way to stand out from the crowd in particular when making a career in a field such as graphic design.

  5. You said that you aim to be “one of Turku's most successful art directors ever … That's quite a dream and a goal, but setting those high goals for me might actually push me into doing what I need to do to be successful!”

    Good for You!

    I also wrote about this on my blog:

    “I have heard that when you dream of something you also take steps to get what you dream of, and finally you can see yourself living in your dream, your dreams have gone true! If you set goals that are specific and if you set the target that is realistic – you will get it.
    Aphorism says:
    By choosing our path, we choose our destination.”

    It was also nice to see your web page – this is wholly new thing for me – but I totally understand how important it is for your profession and that sector.
