lauantai 27. kesäkuuta 2015

Slideshare, Youtube and Instagram as tools


With this assignment I must say that I did not fully understand what needed to be done? So, if I misunderstood, bare with me!

Slideshare was a new thing for me, I have not visited before! I found this Finnish based slideshow called "sosiaalinen media kasvun ja  myynnin työkaluna" (social media as a tool for growth and sales)  that was 112 brilliant pages long. It certainly could have included an audio as well to explain all the details, but all in all it was really great. One or two catchphrases a page and a photo, it was easy -and interesting- to scroll through.

Usage of YouTube in marketing

Finding an example to this one did not take me too long: Red Bull. Like the drink, LOVE their usage of social media space!

Red Bull is an energy drink that is associated with athletes. They are known for throwing big surfing competitions, cross biking events and supporting these dangerous ways of sports. They update their Youtube account often and is always filled with inspirational sport videos. Seriously, check them out! The cool thing is that they don't promote themselves per se, the athletes wear Red Bull gear and that's that.

Instagram and companies

Like discussed in an earlier blog post, if the company does not have a good social media page, what is the point of marketing them anyway?

Almost everyone at my age has an Instagram-account and when not posting selfies or  pictures of food, browsing through beautiful photos is a good way to spend time.

Of course, as companies has already figured out -one can promote a company without meaning to do so. For example, my friend posted a photo her wearing her new Saint Lauren purse and tagged the company. When I post photos of me and my co-workers, I add #Stadium hashtag. Even countries and cities are benefitting from Instagram, since when people travel they love adding their new holiday photos with the hashtag of the place.

The customers don't need an extra push to share company's photos: adding the company's name as a hashtag is just the way of using Instagram. A total win-win situation in my opinion!

4 kommenttia:

  1. Like you said; if the company does not have a good social media page, what is the point of marketing them anyway. Perfectly said!

  2. I agree on that not knowing promoting.. Companies benefit from that, it's free advertising for them!

    For instance, we all know how Starbuck writes the customers name to the coffee. It's interesting, you feel somehow unique, special. And by posting it somebody else want to get that too and so it begins..

    Or the "custom made" Magnum ice creams in Helsinki! Have you heard? I wanted to try one only because the posts about them in IG were looking soooooo delicious. But it was a bummer for me in reality, not that good hehhe :)

  3. Nice text! I also like RedBull's YouTube channel! It was actually the first that came to my mind when I started to do this exercise. :)

  4. I like this idea a lot that "you can promote a company without meaning to do so".

    As a company you just have take care that you are offering good quality, modern, fashionable products and specially young people do tagg the company / product to their photos. Free advertisement!

    I don't do that – but perhaps I'm too old and not the main target audience. ;) But something I do right – I add holiday photos with the hashtag of the place. :)

