torstai 18. kesäkuuta 2015

Blogs and businesses, part 3


Wikipedia, this website that every student has a love/hate-relationship with. Yes, I admit, when studying for a long hours has made its trick, it is so easy to go to Wikipedia and study theories from there instead. The only problem is that anyone (seriously, anyone) can write there and the accordance of those theories I just studied are questionable.

The Wikipedia-page I gave a closer look was Hillsong United's page. They are a Christian band from Australia and they are indeed facing some problems.

Not only do they have problems with references they are also lacking verifications. In order to promote the band better, I honestly think that the PR-team for the band should do its bets to improve the Wikipedia page as well. Knowledge is power and by providing lots of information (that is verified, of course) the band gains and gives knowledge based power.

This example shows how no matter what business you are at, the internet sides -and yes, that includes Wikipedia- has to be good and clear.

3 kommenttia:

  1. Your oppinion about wikipedia is quite simillar as mine too. I believe that Wikipedia anyway has earned big trust because of well explained theories and knowledge. But I believe also, that many companies and people try to take the advantage of its trustfulness so that they can write about them more than the reality tells. What I mean is that business and "alter-ego" is everywhere.
    I´m also listening Hillsong United and I like it.

    1. Thank you for your comment Gabriel! And yes, it does sound like we have the same opinions regarding on Wikipedia. It can be so useful or...not.

  2. I think that many people feel that Wikipedia is as reliable as any printed encyclopedia.
    Wikipedia itself although admits:
    It is likely that Wikipedia has also incorrect, outdated or deliberately distorted information.
    It's good to remember – just as you said anyone can write there.
