torstai 4. kesäkuuta 2015

Facebook in marketing communication

Michaela Tuomenoksa
Assignment 3

Today it's very common for companies to have a Facebook-page - it's free and it's an excellent place to interract with the target-group. I think it's a waste if companies don't use Facebook for advertisment and communication. When the main goal for a company is to sell and grow, every advertisment and marketing is crucial. What makes it even more easy is that you can find almost everything on Facebook and you don't have to go to the company's homepage to read about updates and discounts. Everything is in the social media today and that's the place to be if you want to reach out to your target-group. What I also find as a great thing about using Facebook for marketing is that companies make people a part of the company! They may have campaigns where people can take part in designing, photographing or what ever. I think it's a fun way to keep people intrested and aware of whats going on in the copmany.

When a company decides to create and use a Facebook-page they should make a plan about how they want to use it, for what, who updates the page and what is the goal. I have seen dosens of company Facebook-pages that eighter are successfull or not. First of all, don't update the page too much or too little. Depeding on the company 2-4 posts a day is enough. 

For example, the city of Turku updates their Facebook-page pretty often, but that's understandable. They post news and happenings like when Föri broke, they posted about it on Facebook (and also on their homepage ofcourse) and informed the people when it was working again.

I follow their page and I think it's very usefull, when ever something has happened or there's something I should know about I read it on Facebook. Ofcourse I read the news on Iltasanomat, but I'm always logged on Facebook so that's (unfortunetly haha) the quickest place for news to reach me. Once there was a train in Turku's railwaystation that had broke and there was some kind of acid (if I remember correctly) that had poured out of the tanks and the rescue department warned people to stay away from the area. I read about this on Facebook through Turku's page and would not have found out til later if I had read it on Iltasanomat. So the information really reaches people through Facebook.

Some companys update their Facebook-page way too often. They try too hard to be a part of the social media and often it just becomes annoying, because they don't have any intresting or relevant to post about, they try too hard. In everything - less is more! The posts should be short, informative and clear. I've also seen too many company posts that try to too hard to be funny or have a catch in the posts (but totally fail). You can have a catch in the post, but keep in mind that the post should still be understanable and not too complicated.

I have chosen our advertisment agency customer Cailap's Facebook-page for a closer analysis:

Cailap is a family business founded in 1977. They are one of Finland's most leading beauty supplier companies with 37 years of experience. They sell beauty products like jewlery, hair accessories, combs, sunglasses and everything between. I think they are very active in the social media and they know how to keep people intrested and aware of what's happening. They know how to advertise their business and they keep it simple.

Cailap uses Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube. I think these social media pages are excellent for Cailap to use! On Facebook Cailap uses fresh pictures and makes short and clear posts. Working as a production-art director I can't emphasize enough how important it is to invest in good pictures and good advertisment! In the end good pictures sell us the products. People want to see concrete examples or inspiration ideas on how to use the products and this is very important in the food industry. If I see a raw steak it doesn't appeal to me... But put a grilled stake on a plate with sallad and dressing in a good environment - that's what will make me concider buying the product!

I really like Cailap's pictures. They are exactly what I am looking for in a good post and advert. Cailap uses their Facebook for advertising and informing people about what's going on. Their newest campaign is tutorial videos made by the advertisment agency I workt at. They post them on their Facebook page and advertise the campaing on other social media sites. This is a great campaign because so many women want to do beautiful hairstyles but don't know how to. These tutorials are simple and easy to do - but look amazing!

My use of Facebook and LinkedIn in job searching

I admit I haven't used these two social media sites for job searching so much... But I do believe it's a great place to search for jobs! Last fall I noticed two advertisment copmanies was searching someone for a position and I did search for the job. The first one, Vilperi Digimediatoimisto was searching for a graphic designer and they posted on Facebook that "send in a application and your CV before midnight and they will hire someone the next day. Well I sent my application two minutes before midnight and they got alot of applications. They did hire one person the next day but it wasn't me. I still thing it was a great way to look for a new employee!

The second company, advertisment agency Leimahdus was searching for a new graphic designer through Facebook. I saw their post and decided to apply for the job. They really liked my application and I made it to the interview! At the time I had searched for another graphic designer position and made it to another interview. I ended up getting the third job where I'm not, at Lycka Reklam as a production-art director. I'm so happy I got this job and I really enjoy working here.

But that's my short experince about searhing for a job on Facebook. I really recommend people doing that because you never know when a job position is available and the company may inform it first on Facebook! I have no experience searching for a job at LinkedIn even though I do have a LinkedIn profile. Right now i'm not even looking for a job so unfortunately I have no comments about that. I have seen people looking for jobs on LinkedIn and that's also a very good place to be in when you're eighter unemployed or employed. LinkedIn is great place for expanding your business connections!

4 kommenttia:

  1. I agree with you that the posts should be kept short and it's a waste if companies don't use Facebook for marketing (because it's so cost efficient). Don't you think 2-4 posts per day is too much? I personally would feel it's already spamming. Of course this depends on the company. :)

    I also like if companies use pictures on their posts, just as I like the way you used lots of pictures when writing this blog post. It's awesome!

    1. Yes, 4 post can be too much, but in some cases it's okay like Turun Kaupunki :) Pictures for me is a must on Facebook! If you only have a short text on the post you might not even see it. Pictures always get the attention!

      And thank you :)

  2. I really like your style of writing the blog! Seems like this isn't the first time you're blogging! Keep up the good work. :)

    I also think the picture are a must-thing while marketing in facebook. And maybe some short video clips too. But I kind of hate it that Facebook is full of advertisements, that's one reason why I don't spend that much time there anymore. But it's good that companies have a page there so I can find some information of it fast.

    1. Thank you so much :) Yes I've blogged before!

      That's true... I hate it when YouTube is all about adverts these days.. So annoying! Adverts everywhere! (says a person who works at a advertisment agency, haha)
