perjantai 26. kesäkuuta 2015



These days I Facebook everyone. I had agreed to meet a new personal trainer to get new ideas on exercising and before meeting him, I Facebooked him to find out what kind of a person he is.

When I got my internship placement, I asked my supervisor afterwards that why did they choose me over the other candidates. She complimented my interview skills and said that my social media accounts seemed clean enough.

Depending on what kind of an image you want to give about yourself, branding is important. If you are a starting DJ who wants to have an image of a party boy, all the drinking photos can be fun in Facebook and Instagram. However, if applying to an office job with great responsibility, perhaps everything related to you online should be absolutely clean.

Creating a brand for an individual is relatively similar to creating a brand to a company.  First you need to decide on which kind of a brand you want to have, then through all the channels push it through. Maintaining is important -you don't want to waste the good start you have! All sorts of feedback is welcomed, either constructive criticism or just plain compliments.

So is it important to brand yourself? Absolutely. The more the better! Also in my opinion, the more professional the better. It surely can't hurt no one!

5 kommenttia:

  1. The facebook/Instagram aspect is something that bothers me - potential employers actually go through your accounts to see if there is some "dirt" they can use against you? :-D I mean, I get it, but boo, it's your personal life, it has nothing to do with your abilities in working life. I have cleaned my facebook after my teen years though, just because I heard about this. It has almost made me paranoid, and these days I don't even post that much to my wall anymore! Most of the posts are visible to my friends only - so nobody else can see them.

    Good post!

  2. I find it almost offensive that companies these days check everything about you in the social media! Talk about stalking! I mean it's fine to a certain point and everyone should be aware of the fact that what you write online stays online. But I feel like people still should have their privacy or right to do what they want to do? What if you are discussing politics or something and then the person that is about to interview you finds it and has the opposite view of your opinion? Then the interviewing person has an negative opinion of you even if you would be great for the job!

    I don't know... I think this whole "stalking my employers" is wrong. We are people, we have different opinions and of course everyone should know how to act on the internet, but that doesn't mean we can't be ourselves. If you write something offensive or act like an idiot on the internet it's your own fault. But anyway... I think if you're in a interviewing situation and the interviewing person brings up something about your social media usage, I would answer that it's not relevant in anyway and we should focus on the job and what I can provide.

  3. Yeah I agree with you Veera and Michaela! It is annoying how "stalking" is almost a norm in working life these days. And Veera, I am like you- almost to the point of being paranoid! I don't know, maybe if there just simply are too many applicants to a job position, every smallest little details do count. Unfortunately. Because when working to a company you represent it outside of office hours as well..
    Stll, I feel like it shouldn't be like this. I want my privacy as well!

  4. Good post! I have to agree that the "stalking" has become very common these days. My previous employer followed me on Instagram and Facebook which was fine by me since i tend to keep my profiles clean. For me personally it felt a bit like stalking though.

  5. Is that even legal? Can an employer use the personal information against you? I think can not. Perhaps employer can't admit it but still that information will be used? Disgusting!
