tiistai 28. heinäkuuta 2015

Sharing more

Michaela Tuomenoksa
Assignment 24.6-13.7 / WEEK 8 - 10

Sorry, sorry, sorry guys... What's up with this lazy summer? Time just seems to fly by!


1. I think it's really awesome that companies include customers in their business. It unites the copmany with it's customers. It's also one way for a company to get free ideas how to improve their business.

One example that came to my mind (I took part in it) is when Sisu had a campaign where anyone could participate and design a new look for their Sisu package. They had loads of people taking part in it and as a designer myself it was really nice to see so many different versions and designs. And they saved money on not having to employ a professional designer, hahaha... The winner was granted a 3000 euro reward and Sisu pastilles for a year. People also got the chance to vote their favorite that should win, but Sisu still had the right to choose their own winner... And one thing that was rather funny about the case was that the design that got most of the votes had an Italian flag on it... If someone is not aware, Sisu's are made in Italy today, not in Finland anymore. So the whole campaign also got some protests.

The italian Sisu that got 717 votes (2nd in most favorite category)

One of my designs.

But it was very fun and I was really amazed how innovative people were. Sisu got a lot of great designs!

2. Twitter is still very new to me. But Twitter is one place to get information, news and updates in almost realtime. In the beginning of June I was on Twitter all night following a few reporters updating about the Lisa Holm case in Sweden. It was really intense and unfortunately it had a very sad ending... Aftonbladet and Expressen updated their Twitter almost in realtime.

(35 minuter later....)

Argh, I really serached the internet troughout for this! I had a Twitter account but deleted it because I didn't use it at all (wasn't for me) but I really tried to Google for an marketing example for the blog. Sorry teacher, I failed this part. My brain is totally empty.

In general I don't necessary find Twitter as the best marketing place for a company? And marketing for me means advertising the company. I mean, for example: a plumber company may not reach their customers via Twitter. What would they update about with limited characters? I find Twitter most usefull among celebrities and politicians (I'm probably sooo wrong), because they activly use Twitter and can via Twitter get their voices heard, like Obama did. A lot of followers = action.

3.  I've heard of Second Life! Though it was trough a really weird documentary where people met there online and had the weirdest relationships... Like a virtual romance where they spent all their time. People got married or had a virtual wedding.. Ehm..

But for me SL is just weird... I would never take a company or anything serious that uses SL. Why would you need a character in a virtual world to have meetings or something? Does not seem professional at all... If you need to have a meeting with people that are elsewhere, you can use Skype. I just don't see this as a professional thing, I think it's a bit childish to sit and "play" this online and chatting with others as if it was a meeting, "McMuffin_1655 (name of Georges character), do you have that report ready for our client? By the way I love that shirt on your character!" :D

But if you use SL and can point out why it's good, please feel free to comment why!

1 kommentti:

  1. You have strong opinions against Twitter – "it wasn't for you" and Second Life – "you don't see it professional at all".
    Good that you tell your opinions so straight.

    I have this problem that I feel that I should be part of almost everything at social media – same time I just could choose the media I wanna be involved, I don't have to fancy every social media channels.

    Still I have to say that so many professional persons and companies are seriously using Second Life for business and that was really a surprise for me and made me a little curious of all it's potentials.

