keskiviikko 27. toukokuuta 2015

Blogs and Wikipedia

Michaela Tuomenoksa
Assignment 2


I have chosen two company blogs, one of them is a good example and the other is a bad example. Lets start with the good example:

Beatissa is a company blog for Hair Beat-hairdressing located in Helsinki. Beat was first founded in 2010 by Tytti Willman. Tytti  quickly hired two other hairdressers, her make-up artist sister Tiina and that was the beginning of Hair Beat. I found their blog in 2011 when I was looking for a hairdressing blog in Finland. I've actually seen Tytti and Tiina in IRC-galleria and always thought they are very good in what they do, so it was a funny coincedence.

For me this blog is very successful. Even if the blog isn't that visual, it's simple and the posts are very different. It's so fun to follow them, get hairdressing tips and make-up tips. I think they have created a blog that has alot of followers and they get to advertise their company actively (and for free). Hair Beat has created the blog to keep in touch with their customers and they get a chance to look what's happening in the shop. They use the blog to give tips to people, advertise new products and tell people about their discounts, and just be out there in public. Being open about the business and interacting with customers is very important and they have done it very well.

Everyone working in Hair Beat writes on the blog. I think it keeps the blog intresting and all the workers are diffrent - they give different tips and you get to see different personalities. For an example they do posts about "These are Tytti's favorite products, These are Tiina's monthly favorites" and so on. This is a fun blog to follow if you're intrested in hair and beauty. It's modern, young, colorful and active!

A bad example:

This blog is hoasted by one person who is a entrepreneur. I guess the purpose of the blog is to provide tutorials and information about ecological reuse of fabrics. My first impression of the blog was not good. For me it was visually very poor and the blog looks really amateur-like. I guess this person also writes the blog as a hobby and as a sidebusiness she advertises her company. I won't go in on the visual part, it's horrific and needs a upgrade desperately, sorry. Even if she advertises her blog as a company blog, in the end it's just a hobby blog and I don't feel like it's linked to the company.

It doesn't matter what the company does, but I always try to tell the companies how important it is to have a clean, fresh and clear company look. A site like this does not make customers go wow. My first question when seeing sites like this are "if this company isn't ready to put some effort advertising the company right or a fresh company look, then why would they put effort in the products they sell". This is an excellent example on what a copmany look should not be like. I understand that the owner does everything herself, but you can always get help on designing and making the best of your company. In the end, your main goal is to sell your products, right?

The blog has 24 738 clicks, but I'm not sure when the blog was founded and the blog probably counted 10 clicks just from me visiting it. She has only 15 official readers, so that's not much. If I had to give her som points of things she's done good on this blog, then it would be that at least she has linked other pages to her blog that supports the reuse of things, and this serves the readers that are intrested in the subject.

This is a fail, definitely.


For the second part of this assignment I have chosen a very famous and one of the most successfull bloggers in scandinavia, Isabella Löwengrip-Spångberg aka. Blondinbella, Swedens most famous blogger.

This woman is amazing. I read alot of blogs, but she is one of my favorites. Isabella is 24 years old, mother of two small children, a writer (4 books!), a designer, an entrepreneur and a superwoman. She started her blog Blondinbella in 2004 when she was only 14 years old! Ever since she's been a very successfull and active entrepreneur with many different companies and still going strong. Every week she has about 250-300 000 visitors on her blog and she updates her blog 3-5 times a day. She is a full-time blogger and earns her income through her blog.

Her most active companys right now is obviosly Blondinbella AB (the first one she founded), Flattered and Löwengrip Care & Color. She has written four books, one about boosting your ego (Egoboost), one about economics (Economista), one personal book (Isabellas hemligheter) and a book about pregnancy and being a mother (Babyboost).

Isabella Löwengrip has definitely made a trademark of her name. She is a huge inspiration and for me she represents the attitude everyone should have - there's no limit to what you can do. Even today she enjoys blogging and she says it's still one of the most favorite things she does.


I chose to comment the Marimekko's Wikipage.

I think Marimekko's Wikipedia page is a great example of what a good Wikipage should look like. Ofcourse Marimekko has a longer history and therefore more information, but when I go to a Wikipedia page I'm expecting to find all the information needed, or at least a lot of information in general.

Marimekko's Wikipedia has alot of information about the foundation of the company, history, comercial growth, the organisation, the designers and products, philosophy and sales. Marimekko's Wikipage provides alot of information and knowlege about the company, and they have done it well. I don't think the idea with the Wikipage is to advertise the company but to provide people with information. Marimekko is a big company and well known around the world, it's good to have your company information in Wikipedia.

7 kommenttia:

  1. Wow it nice to hear that someone has raised blogging to "the next level" and is having a possibility to publish books etc. I haven't read her blog but I will definitely check it out!

    1. Yeah! Blogin has become more and more popular here in Finland these days and the popular ones can easily live on their blog-income. Blogin in Sweden has been popular for a longer period and bloggers like,, and Angelica Blick are one of scandinavias top bloggers. I know one norwegian famous blogger named Caroline Berg Eriksen (aka. used to be Fotballfrue).

  2. I really like your posts: it feels like your actually writing about something that you're interested in, genuine! You also have good points for instance what made the first blog good and the other one bad. However, don't you think that it should be our choice how much information we want to pick on certain subject? Too often wikipedia doesn't provide enough information, certainly not reliable one..

    1. Thank you, I really enjoy the assignments. I didn't quite understand your question? But it's true that the amounth of infromation found on Wikipedia is different and it's not always a reliable source.

  3. I agree with you, Marimekko's wikipedia page seems to be honest. The site has written openly for example of plagiarism accusation. Transparency is important in social media and I think it is a a smart decision. Kristina Isola's Metsänväki print was accused to be a replica of the Ukrainian artist Maria Primatšenkon book from 1963. Isolas's design was used in Finnair aircrafts. Marimekko stopped with designer collaboration Kristina Isola.

    1. It's good that Marimekko kept the whole plagiarism case open, if they would have kept a low profile after the mess, Marimekko would have lost their hard earned reptuation. It's really important for companies to be open and honest when it comes to communication (aka. yhteisöviestintä, sille ei ole englanninkielistä sanaa).

  4. I love Blondinbella! How can she be SO young and still have achieved so much? She's a true inspiration :)
